This page contains websites that may be helpful to your research along with tips and resources that will help you with more effective Internet searching. Use the left column for websites related to your topic and the right column for Internet research tips and tools.
Sweet Search is a search engine designed for students featuring results that have been reviewed by a team of educators and librarians. You are still responsible for checking the source credentials. NOTE: To locate your search results be sure to scroll past the initial sources labeled "Ad."
There are many ways to use Google Search more efficiently. Using strategies such as limiting your search to particular domains such as .edu or .gov, using Google Scholar, and searching Google Books might help you get better search results
Google Search with a Colon: Set up your search with a colon to search specific website domains. For example, if you type site:edu then your search terms or site:gov then your search terms into the Google search bar, the search results will only come from .edu sites such as universities and schools or .gov sites such as U.S. government agencies and institutions.
Google Books searches the full text of books and magazines that Google has scanned, converted to text, and stored in its digital database. Many results are not full text but you can often skim a few pages and find books that you could locate in libraries.
Google Scholar is a web search engine that broadly searches for scholarly literature. The results are not always full text.