Art & Architecture Boston Public Library Database Resources List
Access to these resources are available with a free Boston Public Library E-Card. Be sure to save your card number & pin!
JSTOR (through the Boston Public Library)
JSTOR provides access to more than 12 million academic journal articles, books, and primary sources in 75 disciplines. Access to JSTOR is available with a free Boston Public Library E-Card. Be sure to save your card number & pin!
Yavapai College Library Staff. "What Are Databases and Why You Need Them." Yavapai College Library, YouTube, 29 Sept. 2011, Accessed 13 Mar. 2020.
Trying to access a particular journal article that isn't available through school, your local public library, or the Boston Public Library databases? Try Illiad through the Boston Public Library. A free Boston Public Library E-Card is needed for use.