A Boston Public Library (BPL) free cCard is available for any Massachusetts resident, student, or worker. The BPL offers a myriad of electronic resources, including books and databases, via its site www.bpl.org.
You will need a Boston Public Library eCard and Hoopla account in order to access. See How to Register for a Boston Public Library E-Card and Access Hoopla eBooks (PPT).
Why create BPL eCard account? Get free access to BPL resources, including streaming media, online articles, ebooks & audiobooks, and a wealth of databases
JSTOR (access with your BPL eCard and PIN)
JSTOR has full-text articles from hundreds of scholarly journals from the mid-19th century to the early 21st century covering a wide range of subjects.
The Boston Public Library has an extensive list of online resources. Check it out if interested.